heather jones yoga
{ accessible yoga for every body }

Weekly Classes
5:45pm Curvy Yoga Yoga on Yamhill (75 min.)
9:00am Gentle Hatha DAYA Foundation (75 min.)
6:00pm Slow Flow Yoga NW (60 min.)
8:00pm Westside Curvy Yoga Santosha Yoga (60 min.)
10:30am Curvy Yoga Yoga NW (60 min.)
12:30pm Curvy Yoga Series* DAYA Foundation (75 min.)
*Saturdays in November 2019.
Here, now, yoga.
“Atha yoga anushasanam.” It means come as you are. Wherever you are, however you are, this is where your practice begins. Westernized yoga would have you believe that having a yoga practice takes preparation of Academy Awards proportions: get thin, get flexible, look sexy, and above all else … get a great outfit, all before you even step on the mat! It shouldn’t be like that. It doesn’t have to be like that. You’re practice is waiting for you NOW. Just as you are, a beautiful willing mess. Bring it all – your bumps, your curves, your anxiety, your back pain, your drama. Gather all your excuses and come to your mat.
Every body can practice yoga. Don’t believe me? Reach out. Come to class.
Westside Curvy Yoga has a new home!
Find us at the new Santosha Yoga in bethany village
The class that was started by 3 amazing women who were adamantly opposed to setting foot in a studio. That was 5 years ago, and we’re still going strong! When we outgrew our original space, Dina Lang stepped up to offer us use of her private sanctuary in Cedar Hills, where we have been meeting since January. And now that her new studio has officially opened, we are joining her there! Santosha Yoga’s mission is to offer real, accessible, yoga that is truly for EVERY body, and we are so excited to now be on the regular schedule there. We meet Wednesday evenings from 8:00pm – 9:00pm.
For more info about Santosha Yoga, pricing (including a special CURVY YOGA PASS!) and to register for class, click the button below.
so many ways to practice
Every yogi has their own way in. Not sure if you’re the studio type? I offer private and semi-private classes. Want to check out a group class but not available on a regular weekly basis? Check out a workshop! And if you’re more of the home body type, I have a video for you: Curvy Yoga Studio offers inexpensive and accessible practice from the comfort of your own living room or office space.

Yoga Classes
I teach public classes at several studios in Portland, OR. Check out my current teaching schedule here.

Private sessions
I offer private and semi-private yoga sessions at studios in town, or I can come to you and create a custom practice in the comfort of your own home.

Practice with me from your living room by becoming a member of Curvy Yoga Studio! Annual or Monthly memberships available. Keep an eye out for open enrollment!

About heather
This space used to hold a very formal bio … but it wasn’t my jam, so here’s what I want you to know about me: I love yoga. I love making it real and accessible
for everybody, and try to do so in my most authentic voice. Which means an occasional f-bomb, mixing up my right and left feet, some questionable playlist choices, and some shared tears when I’m feeling most vulnerable. I am a fierce advocate for body image positivity, health at every size, and I love nurturing my students with a down-to-earth class: exploring breath, awareness, movement and self-compassion. I love the smell of lavender, and if you come to class, I might offer you a drop for a blissed-out sivasana. I like working with students from all walks of life, especially those who otherwise have felt unsure, unseen or shut out in previous yoga and movement experiences, because I was that yogi! I am also very passionate about working with yoga teachers on how to make classes accessible, and through my teacher training offerings, I encourage the teaching community to truly consider what it means to offer “yoga for EVERY body.”
Got a question?
Call or Text
(248) 890-6693